Offit Gallery Curation & Exhibit Design
Latest: Through Our Eyes
» EdLab Design Team Work » 2019 June - August » Exhibited @ Offit Gallery, Teachers College Columbia University » Role in the project: Curation & Production
About Offit Gallery Exhibits
Located at 3rd floor of Russell Hall, Teachers College Columbia University, Offit Gallery shows educational exhibitions which are mounted in partnership with the Teachers College community and others with an interest in displaying unique and innovative educational materials, while also regularly showcasing Teachers College's Historical Art Collections.
Curating the latest exhibit - Through Our Eyes
The photography project "Through Our Eyes" shows the daily lives of asylum seekers living in the "hotspot" camp on Samos Island, Greece, through their own eyes.
Behind the camera, instead of reporters or journalists, teenage boys and girls who have been living in this camp for months took the photos.
The young photographers are students at the Mazi youth center, the only educational option for them on the island, run by the NGO Still I Rise. Founded in June 2018 by Nicolò Govoni, Giulia Cicoli and Sarah Ruzek, Mazì provides informal education and psychosocial support for children aged 12 to 17 living in the camp.
» Many of the individuals and families depicted in these photos have fled political persecution and violent conflict in their homelands. Thus, all of the images in this particular exhibition and photos in this online documentation have been selected to preserve individuals' anonymity.
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Previous Offit Exhibit: Welcome to the Library
Exhibition Design & Tech
Previous Offit Exhibit: Reflection
“Reflections” takes work from three art collections (Dow, Castellon, and Ziegfeld), in the Gottesman Library archive, that has been selected for their connection and counterpoint to each other. The exhibit is inspired by Alice in Wonderland, the recent film Us, and the principles of art therapy. “Reflections” was curated by members of the library staff to examine the art of the library in new ways.
The method of selection for artwork relied on the idea of reflecting, or similarities, in style, medium, and themes within the artwork. On the left side of the Offit gallery, the artworks contain color while artworks on the opposite side are monochrome. The theme is also represented in the style of the banner, description, and plaques for the artwork by using mirrors and mirroring to represent the exhibit title and concept.